Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thing #15

Well, this was, without a doubt, the hardest thing I have done so far. I played around with this WIKI on and off for about 3 days and hit one brick wall after another. I had lots of trouble with the very first step (the table of contents) and I finally figured out that there were two different symbols on my keyboard for the brackets and I was using the wrong one. When I finally used the correct one, it worked, but by that time I was so frustrated that I really didn't enjoy this project that much. I would probably only use this tool if it was extremely simplified like some of the ones we saw on the last thing.

I also had trouble putting my slideshow into the wiki. Apparently, since I didn't give my e-mail account on the Rockyou site, my slideshow was not saved anywhere and so I had to go in and create a whole new one. Then, I couldn't figure out how to get the slideshow to just come up on the wiki page so I finally just put the link and it did work when I clicked on it so I hope that will be good enough to get credit.

I had trouble figuring out how to get back and forth to different things I was trying to use to complete the page and I kept getting lost.

All in all, this was just an extremely frustrating experience for me as a newbie and I don't really think that I would be able to use something so time-consuming in the classroom. As I said, I could still see using some of the simpler ones that used like a template. I probably won't completely give up on wikis, but I will need to start with baby steps. I know this one probably seemed like baby steps to more proficient people, but it was very difficult for me.

Here is my page in all its glory! :) Summerlearning


  1. I have to agree with you as this was pretty tough. I had to get up and walk away from it several times. I really liked the "fun picture" you included. Wish I was there!

  2. Great pic!

    Also, here's how to post your rockyou video step by step.

    1. Click on edit this page.
    2. Click on the TV screen in the "Editor" area.
    3. Click on the TV again labeled "Video".
    4. Click on other at the bottom of the screen. (If you have one of those types of videos like your YouTube you can click on YouTube and just paste your info in the blank.)
    5. Then paste your embed code (all the stuff that you copied) into the white box and click save on the bottom.
    6. The box will say "Media" on it where your slideshow would be.
    7. When you click "Save" for your page, it will be there.

    (This took me a little while to figure out, so might as well share and to make the time worth while!)

  3. P.S. If that doesn't work, click "Slideshow" instead of "Video"!

  4. I, too, had a difficult time with the wiki assignment.

  5. Thanks, everyone for all the helpful and encouraging comments. I am going to do some work on this tomorrow so I'll try to get the slideshow to come up using your directions.
