Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thing #18

I love youtube! I have spent lots of time looking at various things on this site in the past, particularly finding average, everyday people playing music. I love to see all the undiscovered talent out there and what a way to show others what you can do!

I have seen the group that goes around staging the "freezes" in crowded places before on tv. They are truly amazing and that video is very entertaining to watch as you see the reactions of passersby.

The teachertube site is something that a teacher friend told me about this past school year and I have been there to look at things before. I had trouble this time trying to get it to work, but I guess it could have been a busy time of day so I will try again later. I am already familiar with this site and it is very good.

I could really see how (particulary) the higher grades (middle and high school) could use this. I know my own teenagers love youtube and are always looking stuff up on there. There was a video about Ben Franklin that would be interesting to all students ( I think this one was on teachertube). The main thing about youtube, as was already explained, is to make sure the comments don't get viewed by the students. Even the most tame videos included profanity in the comments, unfortunately.

Here is a link to my all-time favorite youtube video. You will especially enjoy this if you have raised sons (I have 3) or if you had brothers (I had 3 of those, too!):

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