Friday, June 26, 2009

Thing #13

While I get the gist of this capability of tagging, I am still a little confused about it. I went in and set up my delicious account and I had a little trouble at first. Finally, I did get it done and I played around with searching different tags. I found this capability very interesting. But, other than just placing these sites in a category instead of just having them bookmarked, I'm not sure what the difference is other than the sharing part. I also noticed that to keep something from being shared, you had to check "do not share." I thought that should default the opposite way. That way, I wouldn't accidentally put something out there that I didn't mean to. As I said, I admit that I am still confused about this tool so I feel as if this post may not make sense to some. But, I am doing this task the only way I know how and that is honestly and with my best effort.

My initial search was "2nd grade centers." This brought up all kinds of stuff and some very neat websites. I then changed my search to 2nd grade literacy centers. A couple of those, I tagged as literacy centers. Then, I looked up online educational games. This was where I found the two sites that I tagged misd23things. I figured that might be useful to some of us since we are trying to incorporate more technology into our classrooms. There were a lot of sites that I had never heard of but that seemed good.

It was pretty cool when I tagged the couple of sites as misd23things and it showed up immediately on the Wiki(?) page. It was neat to see what everyone else had shared. This particular "thing" just hasn't quite kicked in fully with me yet but I am going to play around with it some more and hopefully will get a better understanding of it as I do so.

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